Blackjack image

House Rules

Game Over image

You lost all your money.

Card Shark image

You turned that $200 into $1,000 or more!

You are a real card shark. You had better get to Vegas!

Cool, you made it. I know the path can be long and arduous. Well, I'd like to say a few things about the code that runs this game. Despite--if I do say so myself--despite looking pretty nice visually, this "program" should be drug out in the street and shot. It was one of my earliest attempts and took place long before I ever learned C or program structure or the power of short, specific functions. I'm sure this whole thing (I'm talking about the JavaScript) could be reduced to a tenth of the code used. It should have been recursive and taken advantage of JavaScript's string cat abilities. As I tried to do it in a complicated way, I got terribly muddled in the handling of splitting cards--especially splitting aces. And the keen observer, on the off chance such a hand should be dealt, will notice that the balance is not properly handled in some cases, namely split aces. All that being said, it's still fun to play this game sometimes. And I know the Brits say "card sharp" but the image just works too well, I think.

blank card image card image card image card image card image card image card image card image card image

The dealer has blackjack. You lose.

The dealer has blackjack, too. It's a push.

card image card image card image card image card image card image card image card image card image

Push. No winners.

Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner! The house pays 3:2.

You busted. Better luck next time.

You win. The house pays 1:1.

The dealer wins.

The dealer busted. The house pays 1:1.

card image card image card image card image card image card image card image card image card image

Push. No winners.

Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner! The house pays 3:2.

You busted. Better luck next time.

You win. The house pays 1:1.

The dealer wins.

The dealer busted. The house pays 1:1.

card image card image card image card image card image card image card image card image card image

Push. No winners.

Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner! The House Pays 3:2.

You busted. Better luck next time.

You win. The house pays 1:1.

The dealer wins.

The dealer busted. The house pays 1:1.

card image card image card image card image card image card image card image card image card image

Push. No winners.

>Winner! Winner! Chicken dinner! The house pays 3:2.

You busted. Better luck next time.

You win. The house pays 1:1.

The dealer wins.

The dealer busted. The house pays 1:1.